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Eradicate war – our utmost desire. A school has started to make global leaders out of young people who have experienced wra.

It is a wonderful project that foresees the cultivation of leaders.

Eradicate war – our utmost desire.
A school has started to make global leaders out of young people who have experienced war.


(Konno with Syrian boys)

Hi, I’m Sakuichi Konno, Principal of EdoTec Global School. We appreciate your attention to our project to make world leaders of young people with war experience. We have started a school which teachs the most sophisticated IT and leadership to Syrian war refugees and Rwandan young generation surviving genocide.



What Edo Tech wants is to cultivate world leaders. What Edo Tech offers to war survivors is not mere programming but high-level IT and leadership education

The target of our project this time is Syrian refugees in Jordan who used to learn IT in Syria, Rwandan college students studying IT in Rwanda, and Rwandan elementary school students.


(Pilot program in Rwanda. (Sep. 2016))


(A Syrian ex-college student and his father.)

Why cultivate leaders to terminate war?

So far, humans have enjoyed rapidly developed technology and convenient society thanks to it. Rockets bring people to space, the Internet facilitates human communication, and the AI helps to reduce humans' burden. However, disastrous manslaughter and famine are still with us.


A refugee family from Syria under fire. Father lost his eyesight, daughter her voice because of shock.)

Most of us don’t want more victims of war and famine. Then, why can’t we put an end to war?

One reason is, those who are running this world have been those who live in the developed countries. War is far away from them, so they don’t be bothered if there is war somewhere. In other words, they don’t feel strong necessity to eliminate war.- Then, what if those who are in trouble if there is war becomes world leaders?

Syrian and Rwandan young people are such people.- They have strong desire to eradicate war and bring world peace through their abhorrent war experience.


(Rwandan elementary schoolers ardently learning IT.)

If such war victims can lead the world, we will stand to have more opportunities to abolish war. However, they don’t have enough strategy, knowledge, technology, or methodology to become world leaders to eliminate war.

To support those with high motivation and a strong will, we have launched our project to support in order to make them global leaders to achieve world peace.

IT to eliminate the causes of war.

What our project will bring about.


(A Rwandan college student learning IT with Mr. Noguchi, the Japanese CEO of the Rwanda branch.)

IT can’t stop war once it has started, but IT can eliminate various causes of war. We call such technology Peace Tech.

We think the dissemination of Peace Tech in young people in conflict-affected areas will lead to world peace.

Take Rwandan genocide. It is said this tragedy was caused by the conflict between the Hutu and the Tutsi. The essential reason is the food shortage for several years before the slaughter because of bad weather, and the coffee-bean price collapse because food companies cut down coffee-bean buying prices.

The food shortage and the coffee-bean price collapse together indirectly triggered the slaughter with the toll of 1 million.


(Rwanda now)

If the plunge of coffee prices by food companies causes conflict, we can connect coffee farmers and consumers directly by e-commerce and IT networking; we can establish a business model without food companies leading to independent deals unaffected by food firms.

Another Peace Tech is to innovate coffee production itself by IT-driven precision farming.

Besides world peace, mastery of IT skills leads to better jobs. We want to support Rwandan and Syrian youngsters’ independence through encouraging employment and their own businesses by offering cutting-edge IT skills beyond programming-


(A Syrian boy learning IT)

Not only technology!

A program which utilize IT for society – Social Good Method Edo Tec Global hopes our students work as social leaders. So, we teach not only IT skills but also how to use them for humans and society at large.

In Jordan, where we have started a school for Syrian refugee college students, some 2,000 young people are reported to participate in the Islamic State, or IS. If youngsters who have studied engineering or technology or higher education at our school join terrorist organizations, there is no point in giving education. To evade this, the curriculum of Social Good Method contains our original contents, such as ‘IT for Social Good’ in which students study cases where IT is used for social contribution activities, ‘Peaceful Mind’ with which to do things peacefully, and ‘Peace Public Relations’- Class is taking the case of laying out infrastructure for electronic money in areas without electricity in Mozambique.


(Class is taking the case of laying out infrastructure for electronic money in areas without electricity in Mozambique)

Uniqueness of Edo Tec Global School

Classroom lecture is not enough to make competent leaders. In collaboration with local NPOs, we send our students to the websites of social problems. Through trying to find out solutions in the field, they improve problem resolution skills.


(An NGO supporting Syrian refugees – one of our alliance partners. They help women get jobs and children go to school)

Our students go to our alliance-partner NGOs or individuals in trouble and have interviews to identify the problem. Then, they devise resolutions to the problem found, consulting with Edo Tech or the NGO staff.


(The students found children couldn’t go to school because they didn’t have traffic expenses. They devised a plan to introduce a school bus to solve this problem. The money was financed through a donation website.)

Through this activity, our students improve their skills to identify some social problem and find out its resolutions. They also learn how to fundraise using IT. Through this practice, the students can contribute to the community, and this experience really enhances their determination to contribute to their own home countries.


(Our alliance-partner NGO supports rehabilitation of Syrian refugees who got disabled in war.)

Your money goes...


(Syrian refugee children. They can’t go to school because they can’t afford traffic expenses. ‘Field Work’ is one of your donation’s destinations. This helps solve such problems with our students and local NGOs.)

Our Edo Tec Global School has a lot of support from our local partners such as universities and NPOs. They offer classrooms, computers, and network environment. However, to give young people free education costs a lot of money, and this is where you can contribute to world peace! Do you want a world without war? Do you want to do something to make a difference? We appreciate your donation to our project to push Rwandan students onto the world stage. Your donation will go to - management of the school (Courses are free.) - development donation websites by our students - development of curriculum - field research You will receive a more detailed report at the end of the first term of this project.

Contents of Program

Syrial Refugee Program


(center)Mr. Alefal, the president of PSUT, (right) Mr. Konno, (left) Mr. Ochiai, CEO at the Jordan branch, with executive professors.)

Rwanda Program


(Sep. 2016, in Kigali. The person in charge at ASID, Konno Principal of EdoTec Global school (left), Noguchi(CEO at the Rwandan branch)


Contents in leading-edge IT

Contents of Social Good Methods

Field Study

Thank you for your attention to our cloud funding page of the peace project!
We appreciate your support and the will to make peace. Join us!

Zambia visit report
The activity report will be updated as occasion calls.
Zambia visit report
The activity report will be updated as occasion calls.


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